Not by Might, Nor by Power, but by my Spirit says the LordÂ
The church is God's. Jesus said, "I will build my church...". It is His work, the problems are His problems, and the people are His people. We are not to be building our personal kingdoms; we are to be flowing with Him. To do so, we must seek His will for the ministry daily, confess our personal inabilities, and rest on His strength.Â
Love the Past, Live the Future
A person cannot run a race effectively if he is looking back at where he has come from, he needs to look ahead. And though we need to be rooted and remember our past, we must be open to whatever God wants to do in our future. In other words, we celebrate what God has done to prepare us for what He is doing.
Blessed are the Flexible
Follow the Leader
Lock Shields
Feed, Don't Beat the Sheep
More than a Song
For Anyone not Everyone
Room for Growth
It’s Not a Job
Risk it All
God Wants Inspiration, Not Perspiration
Where God Guides, God Provides
Sheep Beget Sheep
Emphasize What God Has Done For Us, Not What We Can Do For God Â
Prayer Is the Lifeblood of The Ministry
God Is More Interested In the Minister than In the Ministry